
Presentation after our Social Engagement

Presentation after our Social Engagement

After our social engagement, we have to do some presentations about what we have done during our social engagement.

First at all, we separated into four groups. I'm one group with Wanyu, Pekche and Karmei. Fortunately, our team works is strong as we can finish our report and slides at the date we've agreed.

For my part, I took the responsibility to do the objectives, activity summary and future planning part. I wrote five objectives for the report. I also wrote an activity summary about the map drawing season during the social engagement. Lastly, I prepared three future planning for our art programme.

During the time I am preparing the report, I realized that this art programme isn't a short term programme. To get the best result, we have to do it every year and improve every year. So I hope that our juniors can make it more much better than we do.








Day 1 by Chok

Today was our first journey of Our Social Engagement programme.14 of us gathered in the morning, and went to Petaling Street (茨厂街) by LRT together.
Many of us felt excited once we reached becauseit was the first time to step in Petaling Street for  some of us. After having our wonderful breakfast, all of us departed to Lostgens. Lostgens established in early 2004 by a group of artists. Though situated in the bustling capital city, Lostgens has managed to take on a certain quietness and edginess that comes from being off the beaten track. This self-managed experimental space aims to encourage originality, creativity, individuality, as well as to promote contemporary arts. It provides an alternative space for budding innovative exhibitions and performances. Lostgens has entered a next phase of unique development and operation. What started as a small private group has now moved out into the public, Lostgens aims to weave itself into the multicultural artistic atmosphere. More than just a place that brings together artists, it also provides a platform for a dynamic growth of multi-layered artistic culture.

We met up with the principal of ‘Lostgens’, Mr Yeoh.He slighyly introduced us about the art centre and those things we were going to do in the coming days.After it, we went for an interview along the Petaling Street.

Those are some example of places we went for the interview along Petaling Street.Although it was hot inn weather, and we were extremely tired, but it was a great day for us to learn many things and experienced a lot.



5th Day 。 Final Day

      Today is the final day of our social engagement. We continue all those thing we haven't complete on the first four day. We divided into few group and walk around Petaling Street to complete our maping. We jot down the exact location and the name of the shop along the road. Some of the old shop had closed down but the name is still there so we need to interview locals there and record down. 

The map that we done in these five days

All coursemate's photo captured together before this projek ends


Social Engagement ------------ 4th Day

Today is the forth day we having our social engagement projek in Petaling street. We plan to end up this projek with a zine that combine everything we did during this five day but most of us are not good in editing and designing using phtoshop so Mr yeoh had organise a photoshop workshop and designing workshop. We have two teacher teaching us in both workshop. Through the few hour workshop, we learn more about using the photoshop and we tend to be more handful to the new skill.

Everyone of us paying full attention and focus to the workdhop so that we can done our zine perfectly. During the drawing workshop, Miss Nia which is our teacher ask us try to draw something and try to use our creativity.


Rumah Tamu Birdnest -------- Hari Ketiga

     Hari ini merupakan hari ketiga kami menjalankan projek Jalinan Masyarakat, kami telah mengikut kumpulan yang telah dibahagikan semalam dan menjalankan interview serta memberi bantuan kepada penjaja dan peniaga tempatan. Saya, Winnie dan Michelle telah dibahagikan dalam satu kumpulan dan akan menjalankan tugas di Rumah Tamu Birdnest. Rumah tamu ini berada di kawasan perniagaan dan terdapat tiga tingkat termasuk bumbungnya. Kami mengadakan seksyen interview yang ringkas di atas bumbung rumah tamu. Ribuan terima kasih ingin diucapkan kepada Bos rumah tamu kerana sudi meluangkan masa untuk menerima interview serta memperkenalkan ruang tamunya dengan sangat jelas. Melalui interview, kami dapati rumah tamu ini bernama Birdnest kerana kebanyakan pelanggan adalah dari negara asing terutamanya dari Australia dan South Africa. Mr Willi berharap rumah tamu ini dapat memberi pelanggan asing berasa selesa seperti dalam rumah sendiri. Birtnest iaitu sarang burung merupakan rumah burung. Pelanggan dari negara asing adalah burung yang berterbang dari satu negara ke satu negara manakala sarang burung merupakan rumah mereka untuk berehat.

Berikut merupakan pemandangan bumbung rumah tamu Birdnest
 Reka bentuk dan corak lukisan atas dinding sangat unik. Ini merupakan corak yang dilukis oleh artis yang berasal dari seluruh dunia. Mereka boleh menjadi pembantu atau melukis untuk mendapatkan tempat tinggal secara percuma. 

Winnie dan Michelle sedang menyediakan peralatan untuk menjalankan interview

Ini merupakan salah satu bilik ruang tamu Birdnest

Corak yang dilukis oleh artis di atas setiap pintu bilik

Kami sedang melihat sekeliling rumah tamu

Bos rumah tamu : Mr Willi

社会服务第二天 ----- 开工啦!



      Today is the second day, in order to make us able to recognize by volunteers, we had a brief self-introduction section. After that, Yang started to explain the works that needs to be done in these few days. After he give us a complete explanation , we began to be divided into several groups and then waiting to be dispatched by the local residents to run several stores or stalls and assist them to access. This merchant stalls include Ping Quan bakery , Bird's Nest Inn , Jie Long Stationery firm , Venus art supplies store and food stalls . Since we plan to publish this social engagement program into zine so we had be divided into a small group and  began to carry out our duties in order to avoid zine can't come to real. We will have some interview and collect them together. In addition, we also need to done the Petaling Street mapping. Every group has been divided to complete their task in their hand and they start heading to the destination while the remaining people began to done the mapping.



Today is the first day we have our social engagement. We are having an art community project with Lostgens which is located at Petaling Street.









Kampung Banda Dalam.

到达那里后,当地居民向我们大约解说了村里面临的问题以及他们为了保卫自己的家园所做出的努力。一向少关注时事新闻的我这时才发现原来有那么多人正在努力捍卫他们自己的家园。全村上下一条心保护他们共同的家园!那个村庄的地理位置也非常特别因为它的周围皆是高楼林立,也是那里仅存的唯一一个纯朴的马来乡村。也因如此,社会人士纷纷竭尽所能向他们伸出援手保护,保护这个即将沦陷的马来乡村风情。其中就有包括Lostgens,杨老师准备在那里设立一个小画廊。画廊里将展现所有有关乡村的特色,相信这也是全马第一间设立在乡村内的画廊了。我们一行人也开始商量如何协助当地居民把画廊办好。在这趟乡村之旅结束后,我们第一天的社会服务计划也跟着结束了。系友们纷纷拖着疲惫的身躯回到马大各宿舍去期待着第二天的到来…… (未完。待续)



嘉美之篇5 —— Our Social Engagement

       Social Engagement, a subject have to take by every Universiy of Malaya's students. For me, it is a intresting program. We using 7 days to finish this program.

       The 1st day, we walking all the street at Pasar Seni to get a preliminary understanding of the streets. When visit Pasar Seni, we can realize that why Pasar Seni is a place to introduce our country ,Malaysia. It is because here have different type of temple, we can saw many features that represent Malaysia is a multiple country. There have Indian temple, Sikh temple, Chinese temple and Mosque too. 
Must Wear Scarf
infont of Sikh Temple
The second day, we start to "social engagement" by helping the villagers there to doing business. The villagers there are friendly and they share their memory and story to us. We found that Petaling Street is a important memory to them although the street had change a lot. 

      The other days, we keep engage with the people there, hearing thier story ang we dicided to doing a map of Pasar Seni and a zine about Petaling Streets. We finish our map within 7 days but the zine is not enough time to finish it within the period of " Social Engagement". At last , we decided that we have to continue our zine!

Social Engagement, FINISH BUT NOT OVER!

 To be continue ......



        In this five-day event, I think I learned the most is teamwork. In these days, we have played slowly teamwork to accomplish something. Coexistence between people is not that easy, but a few days to get along, I think the relationship between us was seem to be more harmonious. I feel a great sense of what we accomplished together a map of Petaling Street, this map was not easy to draw out. Before painting the map, we are divided into two groups traveled every street in Petaling Street, and the store name of each shop are all recorded. Thanks to our cooperation, some people were in Lostgen's continue to draw a map, and then another part of the people went out to record its shop name. So, we quickly in the past few days time to this map to draw out. To go out walking every street is not easy, incredibly sun was very big, we'll quietly against the sun that continue to go after these days, I find that all of us are black. But when we saw our efforts to complete the picture of good, we really feel that everything is worth it, good sense of accomplishment. Our feelings between friends are virtually slowly getting better. This map is not just there in Petaling Street name, but we have fourteen people in it together bit by bit.
This is the picture that we are on the progress to draw out a  Pataling Street’s map.
This picture was took after we are finish our map and also that day we are the last at Lostgen's.
We take a picture with this map to remember this memorable memory.

This is a map that draw by our 14 people in this few day.

Michelle Yeoh~