
Presentation after our Social Engagement

Presentation after our Social Engagement

After our social engagement, we have to do some presentations about what we have done during our social engagement.

First at all, we separated into four groups. I'm one group with Wanyu, Pekche and Karmei. Fortunately, our team works is strong as we can finish our report and slides at the date we've agreed.

For my part, I took the responsibility to do the objectives, activity summary and future planning part. I wrote five objectives for the report. I also wrote an activity summary about the map drawing season during the social engagement. Lastly, I prepared three future planning for our art programme.

During the time I am preparing the report, I realized that this art programme isn't a short term programme. To get the best result, we have to do it every year and improve every year. So I hope that our juniors can make it more much better than we do.

