

            When we all were designing a small card for our respective interviewee, Mr Yeoh asked for a volunteer to help him sort out some old photos. I was volunteered to go to help him up. The old photos have to sort out according to their background. These photos are a series of a secondary school principle’s funeral which took place in Petaling Street. These photos told us the journey from the funeral parlour to Yishan (义山).

            Mr Yeoh told me that those photos are valuable because it has a very long history. Each of those photos seem have a story to be tell. From those photos, the different of the past and current of the Petaling Street can be clearly observed. The old buildings of the Petaling Street have the big different compared to now. Chen Shi Shu Yuan is one of the building that appeared in most of the photos, although it has no many different compared to now, but the surrounding of the building has changed a lot. The photos clearly tell us that the old and historical buildings are the victims of the country development. We should defend our history, shouldn’t we?

              From Vicki.

