
11少笔记(Szeyi's Diary):经历=学习=成长


         首先,在活动的第一天,我们进行了导览之后便到一个马来村庄(Kampung Banda Dalam)去,主要目的是要去看那里刚成立的一个“展览所”,并且帮助他们美化该“展览所”。我们一到村子里,便进入了该村的回教堂里去了解该村子的事迹。而在那贴满剪报的两面布告栏上,最使我注意的是这一张。
Han wei,就是捍卫。一个汉字的拼音,竟然出现在某国语报刊的一篇报导的标题上。我在想,我国各种族间的民族问题,是真的有向外界所说的如此敏感吗?如果是,我们怎么会出现在这个回教堂里,而他们又怎么会让我们出现在这个回教堂里?如果是,“Han wei”怎么会出现在这个报导中,甚至成为了标题?其实,民族关系的课题会否只是部分政客用以炒作的材料而已?这是我第一次深切地感受到所谓命运共同体的感觉。在古迹维护的路上,我们是可以并肩作战的,虽然所要保护的对象不同,但我们确确实实是在做着同一件事——保护文化。正如那条贯穿了茨厂街和Kampung Banda Dalam的八打灵河,河的上游和下游上演着一样的故事,都在为各自的命运奋斗着,形成了一脉相连的关系。





11少笔记(Szeyi's Diary): #Interview #Venus Art

          On the 4th day of our activity, Ching Yee and i went to an art material shop, which is Venus Art to do an interview with the shop owner. Venus art is located in the China Town of Petaling Street.

          Venus art was started in 1969, it has been more than 40 years since opening. The location of Venus art also went through a process of transfer, just like many other shops in the area. According to the owner of Venus Art, the founder of this business, who is also his father, decided to have a business of art material because he was thinking of to sell something special.

          However, the shop is going to end its business by the end of May. Many of their customer feel sad towards this, especially for the regular customer of Venus Art. During our interview at Venus Art, there were two customers asked about the closing of shop when they made their payment at the counter. We heard by ourselves that the customers really felt bad when they knew the business is about to come to an end.

          Even though I’m not good at arts, but I too feel the same like the customers. I know it is not easy for Venus Art that have went through a lot of things and circumstance to make it until today. Although the owner didn’t speak his feeling out by words, we still can sense his emotion through the way he talks.

          According to the owner, the reason that they decided to end their business is because of the implementation of GST. It makes me to think of is that the effect of GST such major? Will the implementation of GST cause more and more old shops to close because of the shop owner can’t take the high costing and paper work anymore? There was no answer for my question, but what I can see is the closing if old shop right after GST was implemented that really happen, not just at Petaling Street, but at everywhere. I hope there’ll be a solution or a helping method before everything goes really bad.

# Father and son
# Founder and Owner

Petaling Street 茨厂街

It’s the first day of our social engagement program, we reached Lostgens around ten o’clock morning. 
A short briefing about our program was given by Mr. Yeoh Lian Heng, the owner of Lostgens'.
Through out the briefing all of us knew more about the history of Petaling Street. 
First, we were introduced to the historical post office which is a restaurant called Malaya Hainan Restaurant and Cafe nowadays.
Malaya Hainan Restaurant and Cafe
This building was here in Petaling Street since earlier of 20th century and it's even experienced Second Second World War. Then we got a chance to know how a street get it's name. Example like鬼仔巷,it's interesting to know how the local citizens named these street according what they see and what they experienced there. There are two situations how 鬼仔巷 get named . First, there were many kids like to gathered and play at the street, so the adults named it as 鬼仔(playful kids). The second reason why it's named as 鬼仔巷 was there were many gambler (赌鬼),drinker(酒鬼)and others.


























踏上第一层,我们已经目瞪口呆,就在楼梯的尽头的左手,“亚萍理发店”的招牌挂着,里头坐着一位中年女人在理发,一位身材有些臃肿,头上电着maggi卷的女人再搬弄着顾客的头发。眼前的一切就像是电影里面的情节,仿佛看到了上世界的情景上演着。几经纠结后, 我们的没有胆量把门推开进去进行访问,我们实在过于浅白低俗,只凭猜测就断定她的理发店已经结业。猜测和现实来得太靠近,我们一下子接受不到,心中充满惊喜/诧异。怀着猜测的心,我们从“亚萍理发店”的门前移开脚步,继续探索大楼。究竟那个女人就是亚萍?还是亚萍早已过世,这是她的女儿/姐妹/徒弟/接手的老板?疑问......






Ini kisah sebuah kampung.(Swee Teng)

Kampung Bandar Dalam. Sebuah kampung yang terletak di Gombak.

Hari itu merupakan satu hari yang tiada matathari besar, memang ssesuai untuk berjalan-jalan. Suasana kampung memang kampung, ada budak yang main gasing di jalan, ada yang sedang membuat layang-layang menggunakan surat khabar lama. Saya teringat akan datuk yang telah meninggal dunia, beliau merupakan penyakit jiwa. Peringatan saya terhadap datuk adalah semasa saya dan adik ingin membuat layang-layang, beliau akan mengambil sedikit nasi daripada “rice cooker” memberi kami, katanya, ini boleh menggantikan gum. Akhirnya, layang-layang kami tidak berjaya melayang kerana terlalu banyak nasi kami gunakan, layang-layang terlalu berat. Sampai hari ini, saya ingatkan beliau.

Mereka yang sedang mainkan layang-layang telah lari masuk rumah kerana berasa malu semasa kami ingin mengambil gambar. Batapa comelnya budak-budak ini. Kami teruskan perjalanan masuk ke kampung. Ketenangan kampung ini menarik saya, kesemua rumah dalam kampung adalah senyap. Dinding rumah dicatkan pelbagai warna, bagailah setiap rumah telah berbincang sebelum cat supaya menwarnai kampung ini dengan pelbagai warna.

Setelah lawatan kampung, kami telah bersinggah di sebuah warung makanan di dalam kampung. Di sanalah, kami berpeluang berjumpa dengan ketua kampung. Ketua kampung kelihatan ramah dan berbaik hati belanjakan kami minuman. Saya suka akan suasana warung itu, tenang......Kesemua orang dalam kampung adalah bergerak dalam “slow motion”, walaupun berdekat dengan Kuala Lumpur, tetapi Kampung Bandar Dalam adanya rentaknya tersendiri. Walaupun rentak kehidupan di luar kampung adalah sangat cepat, orang inginkan cepat, inginkan efisien, inginkan yang mereka ingin. Apabila tiba kampung ini, semua orang telah membuangkan resah, menghayati kesantaian kehidupan kampung.

Akan saya tinggal di sebuah kampung apabila tiba masa persaraan saya.

Gambar diambil di tepi warung makanan.


            When we all were designing a small card for our respective interviewee, Mr Yeoh asked for a volunteer to help him sort out some old photos. I was volunteered to go to help him up. The old photos have to sort out according to their background. These photos are a series of a secondary school principle’s funeral which took place in Petaling Street. These photos told us the journey from the funeral parlour to Yishan (义山).

            Mr Yeoh told me that those photos are valuable because it has a very long history. Each of those photos seem have a story to be tell. From those photos, the different of the past and current of the Petaling Street can be clearly observed. The old buildings of the Petaling Street have the big different compared to now. Chen Shi Shu Yuan is one of the building that appeared in most of the photos, although it has no many different compared to now, but the surrounding of the building has changed a lot. The photos clearly tell us that the old and historical buildings are the victims of the country development. We should defend our history, shouldn’t we?

              From Vicki.



玮 琪。



I was a student in Petaling Street, but I have never visit Petaling Street for so details. I just went there for class and a lunch (maybe) and then no more. This time, I have really visit Petaling Street, and I was surprised that there are too many places and streets I didn’t go before or not even hear about it. Through this program, I have known the other sides of Petaling Street that I didn’t know before, like Panggung Street name’s history, brought egg tart from an old shop called Bunn Choon, took lunches at street vendor. I’ve really enjoyed the days I spent here.







                                                                      玮 琪。

Mapping is the part of the program that I like the most. It gave us the mapping skill and a chance to experience how to create a map by our own. We had gone through all the streets and roads in Petaling Street area, meet the people we never meet before, went to the shops we never enter before and went the street we never go before. And I love the moment we spent together to complete the map. Ya, I love the map as well, our map.


Presentation after our Social Engagement

Presentation after our Social Engagement

After our social engagement, we have to do some presentations about what we have done during our social engagement.

First at all, we separated into four groups. I'm one group with Wanyu, Pekche and Karmei. Fortunately, our team works is strong as we can finish our report and slides at the date we've agreed.

For my part, I took the responsibility to do the objectives, activity summary and future planning part. I wrote five objectives for the report. I also wrote an activity summary about the map drawing season during the social engagement. Lastly, I prepared three future planning for our art programme.

During the time I am preparing the report, I realized that this art programme isn't a short term programme. To get the best result, we have to do it every year and improve every year. So I hope that our juniors can make it more much better than we do.








Day 1 by Chok

Today was our first journey of Our Social Engagement programme.14 of us gathered in the morning, and went to Petaling Street (茨厂街) by LRT together.
Many of us felt excited once we reached becauseit was the first time to step in Petaling Street for  some of us. After having our wonderful breakfast, all of us departed to Lostgens. Lostgens established in early 2004 by a group of artists. Though situated in the bustling capital city, Lostgens has managed to take on a certain quietness and edginess that comes from being off the beaten track. This self-managed experimental space aims to encourage originality, creativity, individuality, as well as to promote contemporary arts. It provides an alternative space for budding innovative exhibitions and performances. Lostgens has entered a next phase of unique development and operation. What started as a small private group has now moved out into the public, Lostgens aims to weave itself into the multicultural artistic atmosphere. More than just a place that brings together artists, it also provides a platform for a dynamic growth of multi-layered artistic culture.

We met up with the principal of ‘Lostgens’, Mr Yeoh.He slighyly introduced us about the art centre and those things we were going to do in the coming days.After it, we went for an interview along the Petaling Street.

Those are some example of places we went for the interview along Petaling Street.Although it was hot inn weather, and we were extremely tired, but it was a great day for us to learn many things and experienced a lot.



5th Day 。 Final Day

      Today is the final day of our social engagement. We continue all those thing we haven't complete on the first four day. We divided into few group and walk around Petaling Street to complete our maping. We jot down the exact location and the name of the shop along the road. Some of the old shop had closed down but the name is still there so we need to interview locals there and record down. 

The map that we done in these five days

All coursemate's photo captured together before this projek ends


Social Engagement ------------ 4th Day

Today is the forth day we having our social engagement projek in Petaling street. We plan to end up this projek with a zine that combine everything we did during this five day but most of us are not good in editing and designing using phtoshop so Mr yeoh had organise a photoshop workshop and designing workshop. We have two teacher teaching us in both workshop. Through the few hour workshop, we learn more about using the photoshop and we tend to be more handful to the new skill.

Everyone of us paying full attention and focus to the workdhop so that we can done our zine perfectly. During the drawing workshop, Miss Nia which is our teacher ask us try to draw something and try to use our creativity.


Rumah Tamu Birdnest -------- Hari Ketiga

     Hari ini merupakan hari ketiga kami menjalankan projek Jalinan Masyarakat, kami telah mengikut kumpulan yang telah dibahagikan semalam dan menjalankan interview serta memberi bantuan kepada penjaja dan peniaga tempatan. Saya, Winnie dan Michelle telah dibahagikan dalam satu kumpulan dan akan menjalankan tugas di Rumah Tamu Birdnest. Rumah tamu ini berada di kawasan perniagaan dan terdapat tiga tingkat termasuk bumbungnya. Kami mengadakan seksyen interview yang ringkas di atas bumbung rumah tamu. Ribuan terima kasih ingin diucapkan kepada Bos rumah tamu kerana sudi meluangkan masa untuk menerima interview serta memperkenalkan ruang tamunya dengan sangat jelas. Melalui interview, kami dapati rumah tamu ini bernama Birdnest kerana kebanyakan pelanggan adalah dari negara asing terutamanya dari Australia dan South Africa. Mr Willi berharap rumah tamu ini dapat memberi pelanggan asing berasa selesa seperti dalam rumah sendiri. Birtnest iaitu sarang burung merupakan rumah burung. Pelanggan dari negara asing adalah burung yang berterbang dari satu negara ke satu negara manakala sarang burung merupakan rumah mereka untuk berehat.

Berikut merupakan pemandangan bumbung rumah tamu Birdnest
 Reka bentuk dan corak lukisan atas dinding sangat unik. Ini merupakan corak yang dilukis oleh artis yang berasal dari seluruh dunia. Mereka boleh menjadi pembantu atau melukis untuk mendapatkan tempat tinggal secara percuma. 

Winnie dan Michelle sedang menyediakan peralatan untuk menjalankan interview

Ini merupakan salah satu bilik ruang tamu Birdnest

Corak yang dilukis oleh artis di atas setiap pintu bilik

Kami sedang melihat sekeliling rumah tamu

Bos rumah tamu : Mr Willi

社会服务第二天 ----- 开工啦!



      Today is the second day, in order to make us able to recognize by volunteers, we had a brief self-introduction section. After that, Yang started to explain the works that needs to be done in these few days. After he give us a complete explanation , we began to be divided into several groups and then waiting to be dispatched by the local residents to run several stores or stalls and assist them to access. This merchant stalls include Ping Quan bakery , Bird's Nest Inn , Jie Long Stationery firm , Venus art supplies store and food stalls . Since we plan to publish this social engagement program into zine so we had be divided into a small group and  began to carry out our duties in order to avoid zine can't come to real. We will have some interview and collect them together. In addition, we also need to done the Petaling Street mapping. Every group has been divided to complete their task in their hand and they start heading to the destination while the remaining people began to done the mapping.



Today is the first day we have our social engagement. We are having an art community project with Lostgens which is located at Petaling Street.









Kampung Banda Dalam.

到达那里后,当地居民向我们大约解说了村里面临的问题以及他们为了保卫自己的家园所做出的努力。一向少关注时事新闻的我这时才发现原来有那么多人正在努力捍卫他们自己的家园。全村上下一条心保护他们共同的家园!那个村庄的地理位置也非常特别因为它的周围皆是高楼林立,也是那里仅存的唯一一个纯朴的马来乡村。也因如此,社会人士纷纷竭尽所能向他们伸出援手保护,保护这个即将沦陷的马来乡村风情。其中就有包括Lostgens,杨老师准备在那里设立一个小画廊。画廊里将展现所有有关乡村的特色,相信这也是全马第一间设立在乡村内的画廊了。我们一行人也开始商量如何协助当地居民把画廊办好。在这趟乡村之旅结束后,我们第一天的社会服务计划也跟着结束了。系友们纷纷拖着疲惫的身躯回到马大各宿舍去期待着第二天的到来…… (未完。待续)
