
未完·待续 à suivre



All good things will come to end but the only one will never change is our memories. Just five days, 40 hours of social engagement will eventually end. 1000am, once I arrive Petaling Street, I tell myself that I need to cherish the remaining hours of social engagement. It is because today is the last day of our community service. At first my friends and I continue to design the postcard for the po po of Kiat Leong Stationery Shop. Originally, we intend to send out the cards on the same day, but because of some obstacles we delay time. It is never mind because we will visit the po po again to express our appreciation.


In the afternoon Mr. Yang Liang Xing held a farewell for us to reward our days of fatigue.


After lunch, we begin our "treasure hunt" again for the completion of mapping because today is the last day of our community service. Under the hot weather, we need to do the research and record down the name of the shops in Petaling Street simultaneously. It is really a very hard thing, but we not need to worry about the problem of food because in here everywhere is full of food. If you want to quench thirst, the “dou fu hua” and “dou fu shui” are famous at here, even the former Prime Minister of Malaysia praises of it after eating. If you walk half and feel hungry, you not need worry because I think Petaling Street food can satisfy your taste buds.


This is the mapping of Petaling Street done by seniors last year. 


Before proceeding to the drawing, we stick three craft paper on the wall first. After that, we will draft by according the mapping that done by seniors last year. During the five days of social engagement, we go out by group separately for doing survey to see if there are any errors, and to go where the seniors haven't finished doing records.


Finally we complete our mapping by our 14 people together before 6 o’clock. Of course, it is very grateful to those residents who help us, Mr. Yang and his partners. The feel of infinite satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment cannot be expressed in words. I think I'll miss the moments in the five days forever.

詠榕 Yin Rong


11少笔记 (Szeyi's Diary):穿越?Time travel?

    那是一个汗流浃背的午后,和我一起游走社区、草绘地图的是一位美美的系友和一位“170的高妹。我们仨(其实还有一位“175的帅姐也参与了前面的两个时段)从早上就开始徒步行走、记录社区,共进行了三个时段的工作,每个时段大约两个小时。如果问我们累的程度?我想就只差美美的系友没有变成花面猫“170的高妹没被背包逼成“160的驼背患者了。 XD







Glad to have a “time travel” within the old-style building. I really wish that I could go and pay a visit in the future, if and only if it’s still available. 
It’s a place which contains of memory from the old days and the old community, it’s a proof of the past. It worth to be save whenever and by any reason. If it really can’t be in the form of object, for at least, it has to be in the memory by you and me.

--All about the Old-times-- 

 --Lamp on the wall--

--Old-style Hair Saloon (feat. my pretty coursemates)--

--Old HongKong Style’ buildings--

Kuil Hindu & Kuil Sikh (Xinnan Low)

Melalui Projek Seni Masyarakat Jalan Petaling, kami telah mengenali Jalan Petaling dengan lebih teliti dan mendalami. Encik Yeoh membawa kami melawat ke tempat-tempat yang menarik di Petaling Street seperti Kuil Hindu, Kuil Sikh dan seumpamanya.


Ini ialah kali pertama saya melawat ke Kuil Sikh. Sebelum ini, saya tidak mempunyai peluang untuk melawat kuil Sikh. Kuil Sikh ini merupakan balai polis pada zaman yang lepas.

Salah satu matlamat yang kami melawat ke Jalan Petaling adalah untuk mencatat dan mengekalkan sejarah melalui lukis peta Jalan Petaling. Secara tidak langsung, kami telah melibat diri dalam memberi sumbangan dalam mengekalkan sejarah negara kita.