
踏足古迹 寻找社区历史回忆 First Day, Looking for Community Historical Memory —— By Cheow Chen

在这个以为自己会睡不醒却偏偏醒得很早的早晨,你从宿舍搭巴士到轻轨站,再转搭轻快铁到茨厂街。在巴刹麝妮站,跟着手机上的的谷歌地图,步行一小段的路,终于抵达今日的目的地—— “失落的时代Lostgens’)。失落的时代坐落在与苏丹街相交的戏院街,是一群艺术家合力发起的“当代艺术空间目標是縫合自身與多元文化的藝術肌理”。今日的领导人,杨两兴先生也是发起人之一。
    Today is the first day of social engagement.We go to the Lostgens’ by LRT. Lostgens' is a contemporary art space, initiated by a group of artists. Mr Yeoh Lian Heng was one of them. He will lead us to participate in activities social engagement.

    Before starting work, Mr. Yang took us to visit Petaling Street.
Every street and every row of shophouses are hidden an ancient and mysterious stories.
It was once a post office here.

Visit Sikh Temple, volunteers tell us the history. We drank a cup of drink for free.
          Then we visited many places of historic interest, such as Chen ancestral hall, guandi temple, etc. Mr Yang is a good tourist guide, everywhere, there is always a story to tell.
  午餐后,我们到访Kampung Banda Dalam,是吉隆坡最古老的乡村之一。他们曾经与各界一同站起来捍卫苏丹街一带的古迹区。   
        After lunch, we visited Kampung Bandar Dalam, it is one of the oldest villages in Kuala Lumpur.
Hear about the history of the village.
Wooden gong, used to summon the faithful to pray.

 Kampung Banda Dalam 地图计划。任何村民在得空时,都可以凭自己的记忆在上面作画。目的是记录乡村的原貌。
Kampung Bandar Dalam’s map plan. When the villagers free, they can draw the map base on their memory.
The villagers defend historical sites together with other ethnic groups.

An abandoned haircut house transformed into art space.
Is 6 o 'clock in the afternoon, we finished today's schedule.

   今天的行程结束以后,明天便要开始工作了。任务一,把唐人街一带的古迹区画成地图。任务二,编撰杂志,记录Kampung Banda Dalam与唐人街一带五处商家的故事。
       After the end of today's proceedings, to begin to work tomorrow. Task one, draw map of historical sites around Petaling Street. Task two, make a journal to record the stories of Kampung Banda Dalam and Petaling Street.

