
A unforgettable drawing lesson

Vicki Here.

12/4/16, the third day of our social engagement, Ms Nia who is a Pure Arts student was giving us a drawing lesson. Each of us was told to draw or sketch a picture about Petaling Street. Whether base on the photos we took or the memories we had in these few days.

We started to draw our drawing after a short briefing given by Ms Nia on showing us some drawing ideas and examples of arts. I realised that drawing or more precisely is arts, can be very casual, unrestrained. Ms Nia has shown us some Japanese arts, which is free from restraint. Which, they can place two things of different nature in a same space. 

I was amazed by my course mates’ drawing skills— they can draw so well but I never knew, I’m sorry. This experience told us that, we are Chinese Studies' students yet we can still draw very well. I love one of my course mate’s sketching very much, which is the lamppost sketched by Wanyu. The lamppost is the one of the three leftover old lampposts of Petaling Street lay on the old Panggung Street. Through her lamppost, I seem to see a story of Petaling Street and the old times of Petaling Street. I like the lamppost very well. It brought me to Ed Sheeran’s “Photograph”:

When I'm away
I will remember how you kissed me
Under the lamppost 
Back on sixth street
Hearing you whisper through the phone,
"Wait for me to come home."

I kept playing this song on my mind when I first saw her lamppost.

I used to like to draw. But I have been so long didn’t attend to such drawing workshop or even didn’t draw for a long time. Appreciate that I have such a good chance to draw with my beloved course mates.

Ps: We had a celebration for Teng's birthday at the end of the day. Happy Birthday Swee Teng!

               Ms Nia showing us some ideas on drawing.

Examples of Japanese Arts.

We started to draw our own drawing.

Our course mates' works.

Happy Birthday Swee Teng!

