
渐被遗忘的角落 The forgotten corner


    第一天的社区服务我们来到了Lostgens’这个艺术空间,这里也被称为「失落的世代」。这里的创办人——杨两兴先生首先让我们参观了这个空间并介绍展示在这里的艺术品。之后他就带着我们拜访茨厂街,并介绍了茨厂街一带的历史。例如Lorong Panggung之所以被称为鬼仔巷是因为存在着两种传说。当我听到鬼仔巷时,第一印象就是难道以前这里的居民养了很多的鬼仔?然而是因为以前的科技不发达,居民不懂得如何避孕,导致他们生了很多子女。另一种说法则是在这个巷子里有很多酒鬼。杨先生为我们述说了很多以前茨厂街的故事,让我反思到对于城市的迅速发展我们是该喜还是悲呢?看着一间又一间古老的店面面临倒闭,被迫搬迁,文化遗产被破坏,越来越多的外劳入住当地等等的问题,我们是否该做些什么呢?

The first day of social engagement we come to Lostgens'. This place is also known as " the lost generation". The founder of Lostgens’-- Mr. Yeoh Lian Heng let us visit this space then introduce us the artwork that exhibit here. Later he take us to visit Petaling Street and describes the history of Petaling Street. For example, Lorong Panggung is known as Ghost Lane. It is because there are two legends spread here. Before the technology was not developed well, therefore the residents did not know about contraception, then they had led to a lot of children. Another argument is in this alley there are many alcoholic. Mr. Yang tell us a lot of history about Petaling Street.

走完了茨厂街后,我们就驱车来到了一个村庄(Kampung Banda Dalam)。主要的目的是想把这个村庄里的一间理发店改造成一个艺术空间,让更多的居民醒悟并一起保护这个属于他们的“世外桃源”。这里和茨厂街有着一个共同点——它们都是经历了岁月的洗礼,所以我们应该要极力地维护它,以免它们渐渐被遗忘,被取代。

After that, we visit to a village that known as Kampung Banda Dalam. The main purpose is to want to transform a barber shop into an art space, so that let more residents know that they need to protect this area together. Kampung Banda Dalam and Petaling Street has one common. They are all gone through the baptism of years, so we should be trying to maintain it, so that they will not be forgotten and be substituted gradually.

                                                                 詠榕 Yin Rong

