
First Day...by Xinnan Low 初—木南

    为了进行社区服务,我们与‘Lostgens’ 合作了Petaling Street Community Art Project 2015/2016Lostgens是艺术家们展示和创作自身作品的艺术空间。杨两兴先生是这里的负责人。我们初次见面,他便向我们介绍这个空间,并详细说明。接着,杨先生便带领我们,沿着茨厂街附近的街道,一一为我们解说。这之后,杨先生率领我们到达一个名为Kampung Bandar Dalam的马来村庄。

   For social engagement, we were collaborated with Petaling Street Community Art Project 2015/2016. The person in charge, Mr.Yeoh
has introduced to us about "Lostgens" in our first meet. “Lostgens” is a creative space for artists to show and produce their art works. He is also leading us to the nearby and explained carefully to us along Petaling Street. After that, Mr.Yang leads us to a place called "Kampung Bandar Dalam".

     Kampung Bandar Dalam四周都被高楼围绕着,这是我对它的第一印象。我并不是初次到访马来村庄,村庄内部结构,与我家乡的马来村庄,并没有什么不同。但,这的房屋总让我又熟悉却又陌生。直到参观完村庄后,我才意识到,这对我来说是一个新发现。这的房屋设计,有别于我之前所看过的传统马来房屋。后来,我才豁然发现,这里的房屋和华人乡村的老房子,颇为相似。我们拜访Kampung Bandar Dalam的首要目的,就是要以艺术的形式,唤醒居民的意识,保留及记载这些事物。
   My first impression of “Kampung Bandar Dalam” is surrounding by skyscrapers. This is not my first visit to Malay Village, the internal structure of the village is similar with the Malay Village in my hometown. However, these houses make me feel familiar yet strange. After the visited, I just realized the design is different with what I have seen before. The designs of the houses here are similar with the designs of Chinese old houses. This is really surprising me!


For me, this is a tired but meaningful day. Actually, the main purpose of our visit to “Kampung Bandar Dalam” is to make awareness among residents, retention and record in form of art. It is undeniable that the historic buildings and villages are gradually reduced due to the development of the city. In Malaysia, there are many villages are facing the wrecking now. Yes, we all know the truth, you can’t have your cake and eat it. The limited land, streets and the old villages are under the threat of urban development, but all of these are full of rich historical value and should not be destroyed. This issue needs awareness of all people. However, so far how many people are aware of it?

